Map your momentum
Keep track of your tracks. Dive into near real-time data with Reports in the app.

Keep track of your tracks. Dive into near real-time data with Reports in the app.
How hot?
Our Daily Voice Index helps artists benchmark engagement on Alexa relative to artists of similarly sized audiences.
Cool means the artist is getting -3.5x or fewer voice requestors than the average.
On the other end of the scale, On Fire means the artist is getting 3.5x times or more voice requestors than average. You can think of it kind of like a voice-request thermometer—one that can help you identify when and where to turn up the heat with your marketing.
Cool means the artist is getting -3.5x or fewer voice requestors than the average.
On the other end of the scale, On Fire means the artist is getting 3.5x times or more voice requestors than average. You can think of it kind of like a voice-request thermometer—one that can help you identify when and where to turn up the heat with your marketing.

Grow your audience
Look, we get it. “Crunching the numbers” might not be the most exhilarating part of the gig, but if you want to grow the numbers, you gotta know the numbers. At the end of the day, it’s all about the music, and the people who turn that music all the way up—your fans. Our reporting tools are here to empower you with real-time data and insights, so you can unlock opportunities, reach a bigger audience, and convert your listeners into fans.