your brand

Help protect your registered trademarks, copyright, and IP on Amazon.


Help protect your registered trademarks, copyright, and IP on Amazon.

URL copied! Amazon Brand Registry
As an artist, your brand is one of your most valuable assets.
That’s why Amazon’s Brand Registry exists.

Once registered, you’re armed with the tools to guard your brand on Amazon. Search for content using images, keywords, or a list of ASINs in bulk and report suspected violations through a simple, guided workflow.

Get yourself set up with Brand Registry. Just select “Enroll Now” and follow the prompts.
URL copied! Copyright protection
How does it work?
You can register your album cover art with Amazon Brand Registry using your Amazon Music for Artists information to connect your catalog. Log in to Amazon Music for Artists, click on “Merch”, to get started with Brand Registry.
What’s protected?
Only the Copyright owner can use the registered artwork on apparel, physical music, and similar products sold on Amazon.
URL copied! Trademark protection
How does it work?
If you have a registered trademark for your artist/band name and/or logo, you or your legal counsel can register with Brand Registry for additional protections and tools.
What’s protected?
Only the Trademark owner can use the registered artist/band name and/or logo on apparel, accessories, physical music and similar products on Amazon.
Report infringement
There are two ways to report infringement:
  1. Proactive protections can prevent potentially infringing products from ever being seen by fans on Amazon. This service is only available to Trademark owners registered with Amazon Brand Registry.
  2. Report potentially infringing products found on Amazon by using the Brand Registry report form to provide details.
Important to note: Be sure to confirm all of your merch vendors prior to filing a report as it is not uncommon for a licensed merch vendor to extend those rights to additional vendors.