
Share the music you love with a personal voice message

Dua Lipa

Share the music you love with a personal voice message

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What will you Spotlight?
Choose a song, album, or playlist from the Amazon Music catalog to share along with your personal voice message.
Tell your story
Your Spotlight can be up to three minutes long--plenty of time to take your fans behind-the-scenes, shine a light on your creative process, or just send a shout out.
Amazon Music & Alexa
Fans can discover your Spotlight on your artist’s profile page and via Alexa*.
URL copied! What makes a good Spotlight?
Think about what you might want to hear from your favorite artist
Fans love to hear personal stories and exclusive behind-the-scenes details. Consider these ideas to get started (but honestly? Just be you! That’s who your fans really want to connect with!).
Share your recent musical inspiration or a new discovery
  • Highlight a collaborator’s music—and why you love working with them
  • Celebrate a career milestone, like an album anniversary or an unforgettable tour moment
  • Get nostalgic! Share a song or album and the memories it sparks.
  • Shine some light on your creative process
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Get started by heading to Profile & Tools in the app

Select a song, album, playlist, or station from the Amazon Music catalog.

Tell your fans why you’re sharing this music.
Add an image to display in the background for fans, and set an expiration date (30 days is the max).
URL copied! Where is Spotlight available?

*A fan’s music plan and country will determine if they can access a Spotlight. Check out the table below to see availability for your fans.

CountryAmazon Music UnlimitedAmazon Music PrimeAmazon Music FreeWeb AppMobile AppVoice (Alexa)
United StatesUSYesYesYesYes
New ZealandNZ
Rest of World
United KingdomGB

*Rest-of-World (ROW) is a set of 33 additional territories where Amazon Music is live as an English-language service experience

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